Adding Ad Tags

What is ad tagging?

An ad tag is simply a freestyle string identifier that can be attached to any ad.  This means that you can now recognize each separate ad placement within your app. 

For example, if you integrated the interstitial ad type in five different placements within one app, you will now be able to analyze which of those placements has better performance.

Use the ad tag to name each placement according to how you identify them on your app (for example, “level1complete” for an interstitial displayed at the end of level one).


How to use ad tags?

Ad Tags will help you optimize your monetization by easily detecting which ad placements perform the best with your users.

To identify your ad placements with tags, you will need to update your integration and name each ad location. Note that Ad Tags can only be named using English letters and no more than 200 characters.

Android Integration documents

 IOS Integration documents

 Once you updated your code, you can view the Ad Tags using the Custom Reports with no extra setup by simply selecting Ad Tag in the Group By drop down menu:

Screenshot 2023-07-29 211655.png

You are also able to filter your account's activity by apps, countries, ad types and top ad tags, which will present the top 100 tags by impressions:

Screenshot 2023-07-29 211939.png

When grouping the view by Ad Tag you can analyze in what part of the app your users best engage with ads.

For example, if "exit_ad" has a lower CTR and eCPM than interstitial "Unknown" we can conclude that users are more available to interact with ads at higher levels of the app.


Following this assumption, we advise changing the interstitial ad at the end of level 1 to be displayed at the end of level 5.

Using this optimization tool you can maximize your account's performance.

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