This guide is directed to Publishers interested in integrating the (iOS SDK using AdMob as the mediating network.
- The code samples in this document can be copy/pasted into your source code
- Feel free to take a look at our Sample Project to help you during the integration process.
- If you have any questions, contact us here.
Prerequisite for adapter integration:
AdMob is set as your mediation network
The following manual assumes you are already familiar with the AdMob Mediation Network and have already integrated the AdMob iOS SDK into your application with at least one Ad Unit. Otherwise, please start by reading the following articles for a walk-through explanation of what mediation is, how to use the AdMob Mediation UI, and instructions on how to add AdMob mediation code into your app.
You application is defined in your Account
At this point we assume that you have already added your application to your (Formerly StartApp)
account, in case you haven't, please follow the following steps:
- Login into your Publisher's account
- Add your application and get its App ID
For any questions or difficulties during this process, please contact us here.
Step 1 - Integrate the AdMob iOS Mediation Adapter
The easiest way to use CocoaPods, is by adding the following dependency to your Podfile:
pod 'startio-admob-mediation'
If you prefer, you can chose to use this source code from GitHub and add it to your project directly.
- Please use only one of the options mentioned above
Step 2 - Configure your Mediation Settings
Please log in to your AdMob account in order to add (Formerly StartApp) to the mediation configuration.
In case you have an existing mediation group to which you would like to add (Formerly StartApp) to, you can go ahead and do so. Otherwise, please follow the following steps to create a new mediation group.
- Click on the "Mediation" link on the side bar menu
- Select the Ad Format you are looking to begin with and "iOS" as your platform
- Please Name your mediation Group and Select the relevant Ad Units (existing from previous configuration in your App).
Step 3 - Add Custom Event
In your Mediation Group under the Waterfall Panel, select "Add Custom Event"
Please select the Label Name and Define the eCPM as expected from the Network. (note that this will impact the level of the Waterfall in which the SDK will be called)
Then Fill the "Class Name" and "Parameter" fields based on the table below and the Ad Type that you are looking to monetize:
- Please note that as a custom event configured partner, AdMob will not support import of's performance data into the AdMob dashboard.
- If you wish to export your's data via API, please contact your account manager
Ad Type | Class Name | Parameter | Options |
Interstitial | StartioAdmobFullscreenAdapter | {"startioAppId":"your_id_from_portal", "adTag":"any_your_tag", "interstitialMode":"OVERLAY", "minCPM":0.02} | interstitialMode can be OVERLAY or VIDEO |
Banner/Medium Rectangle | StartioAdmobInlineAdapter | {"startioAppId":"your_id_from_portal", "adTag":"any_your_tag", "minCPM":0.02} | |
Rewarded | StartioAdmobRewardedAdapter | {"startioAppId":"your_id_from_portal", "adTag":"any_your_tag", "minCPM":0.02} | |
Native | StartioAdmobNativeAdapter | {"startioAppId":"your_id_from_portal", "adTag":"any_your_tag", "minCPM":0.02, "nativeImageSize":"SIZE150X150", "nativeSecondaryImageSize":"SIZE100X100"} | nativeImageSize and nativeSecondaryImageSize can be any of SIZE72X72, SIZE100X100, SIZE150X150, SIZE340X340, SIZE1200X628(for main image only) |
All parameters in the "Parameter" field are optional except the "startioAppId" which you must provide in any case.
If you need additional assistance you can take a look on our app example which works with this mediation adapter here.