This section describes advanced usage and personal customization options and is not mandatory for the integration.
Interstitial Ads
Implement interstitial ads with objects for gaining more control over your ads, like using callbacks or using multiple ads with different properties.
To initialize an interstitial ad object, create a member variable in your activity as follows:
private StartAppAd startAppAd = new StartAppAd(this);
private val startAppAd = StartAppAd(this)
You can now use this object to perform the following operations:
Showing Exit Ads
To show an ad upon exiting your application when pressing the 'Back' button, override the onBackPressed() method and add the method startAppAd.onBackPressed() BEFORE the method super.onBackPressed():
public void onBackPressed() {
override fun onBackPressed() {
Showing Interstitials
Call showAd() in the appropriate place(s) in the activity where you would like to show the Ad:
// Called when you want to show the ad
// Called when you want to show the ad
The following is an example of showing an Interstitial Ad between Activities:
public void btnOpenActivity (View view){
Intent nextActivity = new Intent(this, NextActivity.class);
fun btnOpenActivity(view: View?) {
val nextActivity = Intent(this,
Selecting Interstitial Ad Type
We highly recommend using our Automatic mode, which automatically selects the best Interstitial Ad to display, meaning the type of Ads that will generate the most revenue for you.
To add an automatic Interstitial Ad, please refer to Interstitial Ads. If you do not wish to use the automatic mode, startAppAd.loadAd() can be directed to load specific Ads to be shown later using the AdMode parameter. The options for the AdMode parameter are:
Parameter Name | Description | Specific Ad Load Example |
AUTOMATIC (Recommended) | Auto-selection of the best next Interstitial Ad to display, meaning the type of Ads that will generate the most revenue for you. The ad type can be Display or Video. This is the default | startAppAd.loadAd(AdMode.AUTOMATIC) |
VIDEO | Use this parameter when you're interested in getting Video ads only | startAppAd.loadAd(AdMode.VIDEO) |
OFFERWALL | Auto-selection of a Standard 2D full screen Offer Wall or a 3D Offer Wall | startAppAd.loadAd(AdMode.OFFERWALL) |
When using this mode, the following additional methods must be implemented in the Activity’s life-cycle:
1. Override the onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) method and add a call to startAppAd.onSaveInstanceState(outstate).
NOTE: Add this method immediately after the super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) method.
protected void onSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState){
override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {
2. Override the onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) method and add a call to startAppAd.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState).
NOTE: Add this method immediately before the super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState) method.
protected void onRestoreInstanceState (Bundle savedInstanceState){
override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
Explicitly Closing an Interstitial Ad
You can explicitly close an interstitial Ad by calling startAppAd.close(). This closes the Ad and returns control to the calling Activity. You can use this when implementing a timeout for an Ad.
Keep in mind that the user can close the Ad before timeout expires
Adding Interstitial Callbacks
startAppAd.loadAd() can be called before showing the ad, and get an implementation of AdEventListener as a parameter. To get a callback when an Ad is loaded, pass the object that implements AdEventListener (this may be your Activity) as a parameter to the loadAd method. This object must implement the following methods:
public void onReceiveAd(Ad ad) {
public void onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad ad) {
startAppAd.loadAd (new AdEventListener() {
public void onReceiveAd(Ad ad) {
public void onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad ad) {
startAppAd.loadAd(object : AdEventListener {
override fun onReceiveAd(ad: Ad) {}
override fun onFailedToReceiveAd(ad: Ad?) {}
Do not call loadAd() from within onFailedToReceiveAd(). The SDK will automatically try to reload an ad upon a failure.
startAppAd.showAd() can get a parameter implementation of AdDisplayListener. To get a callback when an Ad is shown, pass the object that implements AdDisplayListener (this may be your Activity) as a parameter of the method. This object must implement the following methods:
public void adHidden(Ad ad) {
//Called when the ad has been Closed.
public void adDisplayed(Ad ad) {
//Called when the ad has been rendered.
public void adClicked(Ad ad) {
public void adNotDisplayed(Ad ad) {
//Called when the ad failed to render.
startAppAd.showAd(new AdDisplayListener() {
public void adHidden(Ad ad) {
public void adDisplayed(Ad ad) {
public void adClicked(Ad ad) {
public void adNotDisplayed(Ad ad) {
startAppAd.showAd(object : AdDisplayListener {
override fun adHidden(ad: Ad) {}
override fun adDisplayed(ad: Ad) {}
override fun adClicked(ad: Ad) {}
override fun adNotDisplayed(ad: Ad) {}
Banner Ads
Loading a Banner
You can load a banner without attaching it to a view, enabling you to attach it when available in a later stage.
banner.loadAd(adWidthDP, adHeightDP);
banner.loadAd(adWidthDP, adHeightDP)
Adding Banner Callbacks
If you implemented the banner programmatically, simply pass an implementation of a BannerListener to the banner's constructor:
htmlBanner = new Banner(this, new BannerListener() {
public void onReceiveAd(View view) {
// called when HTML data was received via network
public void onFailedToReceiveAd(View view) {
// called if no ads are available or some network error has happened
public void onImpression(View view) {
// called when viewable impression by IAB rules have been generated
public void onClick(View view) {
// called when a user clicked the banner
val htmlBanner = Banner(this, object : BannerListener {
override fun onReceiveAd(view: View) {
// called when HTML data was received via network
override fun onFailedToReceiveAd(view: View) {
// called if no ads are available or some network error has happened
override fun onImpression(view: View) {
// called when viewable impression by IAB rules have been generated
override fun onClick(view: View) {
// called when a user clicked the banner
Do not call loadAd() from within onFailedToReceiveAd(). The SDK will automatically try to reload an ad upon a failure.
Adding a banner programmatically
You can add a banner programmatically, instead of using the layout XML.
For example, this is a basic example of adding a center-aligned banner to the bottom of the layout:
// Get the Main relative layout of the entire activity
RelativeLayout mainLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
// Define StartApp Banner
Banner startAppBanner = new Banner(context);
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams bannerParameters =
new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
// Add to main Layout
mainLayout.addView(startAppBanner, bannerParameters);
// Get the Main relative layout of the entire activity
val mainLayout = findViewById(
// Define StartApp Banner
val startAppBanner = Banner(context)
val bannerParameters = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
// Add to main Layout
mainLayout.addView(startAppBanner, bannerParameters)
Hiding the Banner
In order to hide an already displayed banner, find the banner's view and use the hideBanner() method.
For example:
Banner banner = (Banner) findViewById(;
val banner: Banner = findViewById(
Where is the banner's id from the layout XML file.
In order to show the banner again, simply use the showBanner() method.
Splash Ad
Customizing Splash Screen (Formerly StartApp) In-Ad provides two modes for displaying splash screens - Template and User-defined. The template splash screen is a pre-defined template in which you can place your own creatives, such as application name, logo and loading animation, as described below. If you want to use your own splash screen, you can provide it as a layout, using the user-defined mode.
In the OnCreate method of your Activity, after calling StartAppAd.init and before setContentView, call the following static function:
StartAppAd.showSplash(this, savedInstanceState, splashConfig);
StartAppAd.showSplash(this, savedInstanceState, splashConfig)
Apply the following parameters:
- this: The context (Activity)
- savedInstanceState: The Bundle parameter passed to your onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) method.
- splashConfig: Optional object that can be used to customize some of your template's properties to suit your needs, such as your application name, logo and theme (see the example below). For a full description of the SplashConfig API, please refer to Splash Config API.
Example: the following is an example of a custom template with an OCEAN theme, modified application name, logo and landscape orientation:
StartAppAd.showSplash(this, savedInstanceState,
new SplashConfig()
.setAppName("Your Application Name")
.setLogo(R.drawable.your_360x360_logo) // resource ID
this, savedInstanceState,
.setAppName("Your Application Name")
.setLogo(android.R.drawable.your_360x360_logo) // resource ID
for optimal appearance of your Splash screen on all device densities, provide a logo of 360x360px and place it in the drawable folder of your project. If this folder does not exist, then create it.
If you do not provide a logo, then (Formerly StartApp) In-App uses the default application icon (as declared in the Manifest) and stretches it to 360x360px.
Use the following option if you already have a Splash screen for your application or if you want to design your own custom layout for your Splash screen.
1. Set a SplashConfig object with a specific layout resource ID.
2. Pass on the SplashConfig object to the showSplash static function.
For a full description of the SplashConfig API, please refer to Splash Config API.
StartAppAd.showSplash(this, savedInstanceState,
new SplashConfig()
this, savedInstanceState,
Splash Config API
The following describes the methods that you can use for customizing the Splash screen displayed in a (Formerly StartApp) In-App Splash screen Ad.
Set the Splash screen mode
public SplashConfig setTheme(SplashConfig.Theme theme)
Sets the Splash theme to Template mode or User-defined mode. Use one of the first five options below to specify a design theme for the Template mode. The last option sets the mode to User-Defined. You may refer to Customizing the Splash Screen for more information about Splash screen modes.
SplashConfig.Theme.DEEP_BLUE (default)
SplashConfig.Theme.USER_DEFINED – user-defined mode -
Set a Custom screen
public SplashConfig setCustomScreen(int resource)
Sets the splash layout to Custom mode. This is mandatory if you are using SplashConfig.Theme.USER_DEFINED.
Layout Resource ID -
Set the application name
public SplashConfig setAppName(String appName)
Sets the application name to be used in the Template mode.
String (default is the application name from the manifest). -
Set the logo
public SplashConfig setLogo(int resource)
Sets the logo to be displayed in the Template mode.
Drawable resource ID (default is the icon resource from the manifest). -
Set the orientation
public SplashConfig setOrientation(SplashConfig.Orientation orientation)
Sets the orientation to be used in the Template or User-defined mode.
SplashConfig.Orientation.PORTRAIT (default)
SplashConfig.Orientation.AUTO (use the device's orientation upon entering the application)
Native Ads
Initializing and Loading a NativeAd Object
In your Activity, create a member variable, as follows:
private StartAppNativeAd startAppNativeAd = new StartAppNativeAd(this);
To load your native ad, call the loadAd() method with a NativeAdPreferences object:
startAppNativeAd.loadAd(new NativeAdPreferences());
NativeAdPreferences can be used to customize some of the native ad properties to suit your needs, such as the number of ads to load, the image size of the ad, or whether the image should be pre-cached or not. For a full description of the NativeAdPreferences, please refer to Native Ad Preferences API.
By default, (Formerly StartApp) NativeAd retrieves the image URL of the ad. The SDK is also capable of auto-loading the image as a BITMAP object. This feature is turned off by default. For enabling it, set autoBitmapDownload in NativeAdPreferences to true (please refer to Ad's image configuration).
You can register your NativeAd object for callbacks by passing an AdEventListener object to the loadAd() method:
startAppNativeAd.loadAd(new NativeAdPreferences(), new AdEventListener() {
public void onReceiveAd(Ad arg0) {
// Native Ad Received
public void onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad arg0) {
// Native Ad failed to receive
object : AdEventListener {
override fun onReceiveAd(ad: Ad) {
// Native Ad Received
override fun onFailedToReceiveAd(ad: Ad?) {
// Native Ad failed to receive
Using the Native Ad Object
After initializing and loading your (Formerly StartApp) NativeAd object, use the getNativeAds()
method to obtain an array of NativeAdDetails objects for all returning ads. The NativeAdDetails object provides access to each ad's details, such as the ad's title, description, image, etc. This object also provides methods for firing an impression once the ad is displayed, and for executing the user's click on the ad. For a full description of the NativeAdDetails object, please refer to Native Ad Details API.
Example: the following is an example of how to load 3 native ads with a pre-cached images of 150x150 pixels size, and logging their details once ready (using callbacks)
// Declare Native Ad Preferences
NativeAdPreferences nativePrefs = new NativeAdPreferences()
.setAdsNumber(3) // Load 3 Native Ads
.setAutoBitmapDownload(true) // Retrieve Images object
.setPrimaryImageSize(2); // 150x150 image
// Declare Ad Callbacks Listener
AdEventListener adListener = new AdEventListener() { // Callback Listener
public void onReceiveAd(Ad arg0) {
// Native Ad received
ArrayList ads = startAppNativeAd.getNativeAds(); // get NativeAds list
// Print all ads details to log
Iterator iterator = ads.iterator();
public void onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad arg0) {
// Native Ad failed to receive
Log.e("MyApplication", "Error while loading Ad");
// Load Native Ads
startAppNativeAd.loadAd(nativePrefs, adListener);
val nativePrefs = NativeAdPreferences()
.setAdsNumber(3) // Load 3 Native Ads
.setAutoBitmapDownload(true) // Retrieve Images object
.setPrimaryImageSize(2) // 150x150 image
// Declare Ad Callbacks Listener
val adListener: AdEventListener = object : AdEventListener {
// Callback Listener
override fun onReceiveAd(arg0: Ad) {
// Native Ad received
val ads: ArrayList = startAppNativeAd.nativeAds // get NativeAds list
// Print all ads details to log
val iterator: Iterator<*> = ads.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
override fun onFailedToReceiveAd(arg0: Ad?) {
// Native Ad failed to receive
Log.e("MyApplication", "Error while loading Ad")
// Load Native Ads
startAppNativeAd.loadAd(nativePrefs, adListener)
It is possible to get less ads than you requested. It is also possible that no ad will be returned. In this case you will receive an empty array.
Tracking the Native Ad
The SDK will log the impression and handle the click automatically. Please note that you must register the ad's view with the ad object. To make all ad elements of the view clickable register it using:
Native Ad Preferences API
Set the number of Native ads to retrieve
public NativeAdPreferences setAdsNumber(int adsNumber)
set number of native ads to be received from the server.
adsNumber - integer of the ads numberReturn Value
NatvieAdPreferences – current object -
Ad's image configuration
public NativeAdPreferences setAutoBitmapDownload(boolean autoBitmapDownload)
You can choose between two options to obtain the ad's image:
- get the image pre-cached as a BITMAP.
- get the image URL only.
adsNumber - integer of the ads number autoBitmapDownload - Boolean:- true – native ad object will be loaded automatically with bitmap object
- false – native ad wont load the image automatically
Return Value
NatvieAdPreferences – current object -
Set Ad's image size
public NativeAdPreferences setPrimaryImageSize(int imageSize)
Set the image size of the ad to be retrieved.
imageSize - imageSize can get the following values:- 0 – for image size 72px X 72px
- 1 – for image size 100px X 100px
- 2 – for image size 150px X 150px
- 3 – for image size 340px X 340px
- 4 – for image size 1200px X 628px
Note:Default Value is 2
Return Value
NatvieAdPreferences – current object -
Set Ad's secondary icon size
public NativeAdPreferences setSecondaryImageSize(int imageSize)
Set a secondary icon size of the ad to be retrieved.
imageSize - imageSize can get the following values:- 0 – for image size 72px X 72px
- 1 – for image size 100px X 100px
- 2 – for image size 150px X 150px
- 3 – for image size 340px X 340px
Note:Default Value is 2
Return Value
NatvieAdPreferences – current object
Native Ad Details API
Get the Ad's title
public String getTitle()
Return Value: String
Get the Ad's description
public String getDescription()
Return Value: String
Get the Ad's rating
public String getRating()
Get the rating of the ad in the Google Play store. The rating range is 1-5.
Return Value: Float
Get the Ad's image URL
public String getImageUrl()
Get the image URL of the ad, according to the selected size.
Return Value: String
Get the Ad's image bitmap
public Bitmap getImageBitmap()
Get the image of the ad as a pre-cached bitmap, if requested using the NativeAdPreferences.setAutoBitmapDownload() method.
Return Value: Bitmap
Get the Ad's secondary icon URL
public String getSecondaryImageUrl()
Get the secondary icon URL of the ad, according to the selected size.
Return Value: String
Get the Ad's secondary icon bitmap
public Bitmap getSecondaryImageBitmap()
Get the secondary icon of the ad as a pre-cached bitmap, if requested using the NativeAdPreferences.setAutoBitmapDownload() method.
Return Value: Bitmap
Get the Ad's installs numbers
public String getInstalls()
Get the amount of installs in Google Play store.
Return Value: String
Get the Ad's category
public String getCategory()
Get the category of the ad in the Google Play store.
Return Value: String
Get the Ad's package name
public String getPackacgeName()
Get the ad's package name in the Google Play store (for example, "com.startapp.quicksearchbox") in case the ad is "app install" ad.
Return Value: String
Get the Ad's call to action
public StartAppNativeAd.CampaignAction getCampaignAction()
Either Launch app or open Google Play.
Return Value: Enum
Get the Ad's call to action text
public StartAppNativeAd.callToAction getCallToAction()
Get a short text to place on the "call to action" button\area.
Return Value: String
Child-Directed Ad Serving
In case your app target children, you can pass to (Formerly StartApp) an indication for a child user by sending the user's age. will use it for applying a child-directed ad serving in case of a child user (under the age of 16)
You can send the user age upon initialization, after providing your DevId and AppId, pass the SDKAdPreferences object with its data:
"Your App ID",
new SDKAdPreferences()
"Your App ID",
- setAge can take an integer.
NOTE: Apps that flagged as Designated For Kids in (Formerly StartApp) Portal are treated automatically as child-directed for all ad requests.
Adding Ad Tags
You can add tags to your ad placements. A tag is simply a free style string identifier that can be attached to any ad. Ad Tags will help you optimize your monetization by finding the right balance between ads and the perfect ad-viewing experience for your users.
For example, if you implement couple of interstitial ads in different places in your application, you can give each of them a different tag, one of them could be "Level1Complete", the other "AfterScoresBoard", then, you can monitor which placement convert better and get more engagement from your users.
In order to add tags, you simply need to add them to the right places in your code:
Banner, Mrec, Cover
AdPreferences prefs = new AdPreferences();
Banner banner = new Banner(this, prefs);
val prefs = AdPreferences()
val banner = Banner(this, prefs)
AdPreferences prefs = new AdPreferences();
StartAppAd startAppAd = new StartAppAd(this);
val prefs = AdPreferences()
val startAppAd = StartAppAd(this);
Native ads
NativeAdPreferences prefs = new NativeAdPreferences();
StartAppNativeAd startAppNativeAd = new StartAppNativeAd(this);
val prefs = NativeAdPreferences()
val startAppNativeAd = StartAppNativeAd(this)
Ad Tags can only be named using English letters and no more than 200 characters
After getting some traffic, you could see those tags in the portal reports automatically, without extra setup.
Enjoy Higher eCPM with Demographic-Targeted Ads
If you know your user's gender or age, (Formerly StartApp) can use it to serve better-targeted ads which can increase your eCPM and revenue significantly.
Upon initialization, after providing your DevId and AppId, pass the SDKAdPreferences object with its data:
"Your App ID",
new SDKAdPreferences()
"Your App ID",
- setAge can take an integer.
- setGender can take one of the following values: Gender.FEMALE or Gender.MALE.