This guide is directed to Publishers interested in integrating the Android SDK using ironSource as their mediating network.
- The code samples in this document can be copy/pasted into your source code
- Feel free to take a look at our Sample Project to help you during the integration process.
- If you have any questions, contact us here.
Prerequisite for adapter integration:
ironSource is set as your mediation network
The following manual assumes you are already familiar with the ironSource Mediation Network and have already integrated the Google Mobile Ads SDK into your application with at least one Ad Unit. Otherwise, please start by reading the following articles for a walk-through explanation of what mediation is, how to use the Iron Source Mediation UI, and instructions on how to add ironSource mediation code into your app.
You application is defined in your Account
At this point we assume that you have already added your application to your account; in case you haven't, please follow the following steps:
- Login into or create your Publisher's account
- Add your application and get its App ID
- Download the In-App SDK, accessible via Resource Center in your account.
For any questions or difficulties during this process, please contact us here.
You have integrated the In-App SDK well as your desired Ad Formats.
Before you can integrate the mediation adapter, you need to make sure you have integrated the as well as the Ad Formats you wish to monetize.
In case you haven't, please start from the steps described on the following SDK integration guide
Set Up ironSource
Register custom adapter for your ironSource Account
Network key: 15b99c96d
Once you have configured the custom network under your app, you will go into the App Settings.
When configuring the App settings, the field Ad Tag is mandatory on IronSource, and can be used to manage Line Items, however, if you don't want to use it, you can set value default.
In case you'd like to configure Line Items, please contact your account manager for further instructions.
Setting up the Project
Add dependency on Iron Source Mediation library
dependencies {
// noinspection GradleDependency
implementation 'com.startapp:ironsource-mediation:2.+'
Use your IronSource App Key with this demo project. Put your value on this line then compile and launch.