My Campaigns


Duplicating a Campaign

You can duplicate an existing campaign by clicking the Duplicate button, found in several locations in the portal:

My Campaigns - using list view:

The toolbar is located on the right side and is available for each individual campaign. You can find it next to the campaign's status by hovering with the mouse:


Click on the Duplicate icon to create another campaign.

Once a campaign has been duplicated, this window will appear:


You can choose if you want to switch the campaign OS, Destination URL & Category.

My Campaigns  - using gallery view:

Hover with the mouse to use the quick toolbar found at the bottom of each box:



Quick Budget Update tool

To help you update your campaign as quickly and effectively as possible, we created a quick budget update tool.

This tool allows you to update your campaign's Bid Price, Daily Budget, and Total Budget with just one click.

How do I use the Quick Budget Update tool?

Click the Quick Campaign Budget Edit icon on your campaign's menu by hovering with the mouse on the campaign name, either from the List View 



  Or from the Gallery View: 

When you click the Budget Edit button, the budget box will appear.  


Update your bid, daily budget, and/or total budget, then click the "Save" button.

Make sure you follow the minimum bid and budget restrictions.

7 Days stats

You can easily review the last 7 days graph:


Campaigns Statuses

A campaign can have one of the following statuses: 


The campaign is properly running. 



There are several reasons that a campaign is stopped. Once a campaign shows as stopped, you may hover over the Stopped status indicator to view the full reason.


Your campaign can be stopped for several reasons:

The daily budget has been reached

Your campaign has reached its daily budget. You can always add an additional daily budget to your campaign.


If your campaign reached its daily budget, it will start running again with its new daily budget at 00:00 GMT.

Total budget has been reached

Your campaign has reached its total budget. You can always add an additional total budget to your campaign.

No account balance

Your account has run out of funds. This causes all your campaigns to temporarily pause. The campaigns will renew their run once you add additional funds. Read about how to add funds here.

The end date has been reached

The end date you requested has arrived and your campaign will pause unless you change the end date.

Pending start date

Your campaign is waiting for the start date you have set. It will automatically start on the date requested.

No active creatives

A campaign will not run until there is at least one active creative. If the campaign's creatives are paused or pending approval, the campaign will be stopped until they are activated/ approved.


You have manually paused the campaign. It is currently not running. However, you may reactivate it at any time.



You have begun creating your campaign, however, it was not sent for approval, or you abandoned a campaign you were working on after you inserted the destination URL.


Pending approval

Your campaign is waiting for approval from our compliance team.



Your campaign has been rejected by our compliance team. Please see the campaign approval process article for more information.


If your campaign was rejected, you will receive an e-mail that specifies the denial reason.


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